Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Blaa Bluuu Bleee..apakn?! =.=!

Well today afternoon i went to batu besurat at Utama Bowling with my beloved mother and sister....

 Around 4 o'clock my bf come to teach me driving well he's a good tutor to me ;D thank you darling ahh~~~ i love u mwaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! My dad asked him how am i doing so far..then he said "ok udah ia ne...pandai dh drive~" hehheheehehhe..and he bought me an ice-cream jua =__________=! even its raining...thank you again darling ah..i always love u ;)

Then mlm nya g my phone bbunyi...rupanya c fatin msg..they want to come arah my house.... haadi and zurah played pool, for the first time c zurah won that game!!! WOW! Haadi frust trus..don't worry haadi ah..cuba g next time =) and to zurah: keep it up!

While fatin still stuck in the living room...copying pass year exam question from internet actually its only a litte stuff but she takes a very long time to upload it..which i don't know why =.=! then dorg mkn mee g with 9 chili padi in it!!!! HAHAHAHHAHA XD

GOOD BYE!!!...till next time~ (//_^)v

Monday, 5 April 2010

Harrith was in Salambigar....

Dear my blog,

  Today i'm still having my driving lesson..and i don't know when it will end!!! I'm stress out as well as my mom since she keeps asking when will i get my test done?!!~myb next next week~

OOOOOh...about yesterday afternoon nearly maghribbb...i went home n found out that my new nephew was home!!! =DDD and we posing2 masa ia titooo~ ~ ~

............Sooo...we eat SKITTLE while waiting for this baby to wake up....
I present to youu...a very stubborn lil girl ..."HANA" 


Harrith wake up psal hana bising!!! =P...
samseng kn baby fruit ku ne n he's so smelly!!!

Then Harrith abis mandi....bsaaaar matanya O.O n as always.... my sis n me...posing g~  ;D

Monday, 22 March 2010

SITI HAWA nikah =)

This was unexpected wedding for all of us...including herself!! its been like 3 months she knows him then they get married!!! awesome knnn...heheheheheh..long life my niece..btw she's my niece O_o hahahahha

P.S. i make up her also..really!!!


I have done my A level yet im not satisfied with my results since my aim is too high but since my careless are so unforgivable so yeah...that my bad result happy with my business studiess hehe since thats my pride among all subjects -___-!

My plans for 2010..i know its been a very long time i miss to update my blog...i mean "dgn senghaja" =P with i don't know the reason plg myb not used to it or busy with other thing well...who do u care??!! ok..back to my plans..first my aim is to further my degree of course its either locally or overseas..i don't really care too much if i don't get scholarship to UK but i know i will disappoint my parents..BUT f i get that scholarship what will happen to my love????? ='( so its very tough decision but whatever happen it must be the best!!!! i always love shahzwan n my family =) all of them are important to me especially SHAHZWAN!!! im so deeply in love with you =D

Its night now..n very quiet not even any single miss call i received....hmmm...what else should i talk about??? oh so hate today coz stuff that i want to order are out of stock!!! its MAC and Chanel makeup.. ='(!!!!!! i hope my mom will buy it soon so i can use it also =P

Tok!!! tok! tok!!! *open door* owh you again!!! *azmi smiling and pity face* he wanted to borrow my laptop but im using it so i refuse him =O nyaahahhahaha...i told him to use alwi laptop instead!!! or myb im going to give him my laptop then..aaaaaaaaaahhhh...