Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Blaa Bluuu Bleee..apakn?! =.=!

Well today afternoon i went to batu besurat at Utama Bowling with my beloved mother and sister....

 Around 4 o'clock my bf come to teach me driving well he's a good tutor to me ;D thank you darling ahh~~~ i love u mwaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! My dad asked him how am i doing so far..then he said "ok udah ia ne...pandai dh drive~" hehheheehehhe..and he bought me an ice-cream jua =__________=! even its raining...thank you again darling ah..i always love u ;)

Then mlm nya g my phone bbunyi...rupanya c fatin msg..they want to come arah my house.... haadi and zurah played pool, for the first time c zurah won that game!!! WOW! Haadi frust trus..don't worry haadi ah..cuba g next time =) and to zurah: keep it up!

While fatin still stuck in the living room...copying pass year exam question from internet actually its only a litte stuff but she takes a very long time to upload it..which i don't know why =.=! then dorg mkn mee g with 9 chili padi in it!!!! HAHAHAHHAHA XD

GOOD BYE!!!...till next time~ (//_^)v

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